California City Management Foundation (CCMF) 2022 Corporate Sponsor of the Year Award
The 2022 CCMF Corporate Sponsor of the Year Award goes to a CCMF partner that has been particularly helpful to CCMF members over the past year. “CCMF’s events, resources and services would not be possible without the support of partners like this year’s winner: Kosmont Companies! CCMF values this partnership, as Kosmont Companies continuously shows their dedication to the City management community,” CCMF.
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Sustainability Award
“5/2019 – City of Placentia“
California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) Awards of Excellence Program
“2017 Award of Excellence for Economic Development Partnerships – Redondo Beach Marine Ave Hotels Project” AND “2014 Award of Excellence in Economic Development Partnerships – South Gate azalea Project”
California Business Properties Association (CBPA)
Mr. Larry J. Kosmont, CRE® is a recipient of the “2016 California Business Properties Association (CBPA) Champion of the Industry Award” for his service in real estate and economic development.
L.A. Business Journal Latino Business of the Year Awards
“2015 Small Private Latino Business of the Year Award”
John H. Nail Memorial Award Winner
Awarded annually by the City Managers Department of the League of California Cities
Larry J. Kosmont, City of Seal Beach, 1980

Larry J. Kosmont, Chairman and CEO of Kosmont Companies accepting the CALED Award of Excellence Economic Development Partnership for the Marine Ave Hotels Project along with Steven Proud, Redondo Beach Waterfront and Economic Development Director.

Larry J. Kosmont, Chairman and CEO of Kosmont Companies accepting the CBPA Champion of the Industry Award for his service in real estate and economic development. Pictured with Pat Donahue, Chairman and CEO of Donahue Schriber(left) and Rex Hime, President & CEO of CBPA (right).

2022 CCMF Corporate Sponsor of the Year Award

2017 CALED Award of Excellence
Economic Development Partnership Redondo Beach Marine Ave Hotels Project

2015 LABJ Small Private
Latino Business of the Year Award

2014 CALED Award of Excellence
Economic Development Partnership South Gate “azalea” Project