Land use planning and economic development project implementation must be targeted to comply with statewide climate action, housing, and sustainability goals. Kosmont is assisting public and private sector clients to utilize the momentum of state policy and related legislative tools to implement successful real estate and economic development at the local level.

Land Use Planning and Economics
- Tailoring General Plans, Specific Plans, and other land use planning to accommodate and incentivize blended-use, transit-oriented development with appropriate housing densities
- Evaluation of fiscal impacts and economic benefits to prioritize and improve general fund solvency, while addressing climate action, housing, and sustainability goals
- Considering pro forma financial feasibility to promote successful private sector investment in local communities
- Utilizing housing and density as a tool to incentivize project development with Development Opportunity Reserve (D.O.R.)™
Climate Action Plan Implementation
- Formulation of funding and financing strategies to implement local and regional Climate Action Plans and achieve State compliance, while catalyzing and supporting new private sector investment and economic development.
Project Funding and Financing Tools
- Targeting and utilizing the broad set of tools now available to public agencies and real estate developers to implement climate action, housing, and sustainable infrastructure
- Tax increment financing districts
- EIFD – Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts
- CRIA – Community Revitalization and Investment Authorities
- AHA – Affordable Housing Authorities
- NIFTI and NIFTI 2 – Neighborhood Infill Finance and Transit Improvement Acts
- SEIFD – Seaport Infrastructure Financing Districts
- Military Base Infrastructure and Revitalization Financing Districts
- Special assessment districts
- CFD – Community Facilities District
- BID – Business Improvement District
- Assessment District, Parking District, etc.
- Entitlement and CEQA streamlining tools
- WHOZ – Workforce Housing Opportunity Zone
- HSD – Housing Sustainability District
- SB 35
- D.O.R.™
- State and Federal Grants
- IIG – Infill Infrastructure Grants
- AHSC – Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities
- EDA – Economic Development Administration
- Proposition 1, Proposition 68
- Opportunity Zones (OZ) Funds for real estate and operating business investments
- Tax increment financing districts